KeePass 2.50 on CrossOver on 21.1.0

Here is what happened

Password GIF by BrainPOP - Find & Share on GIPHY
  • Created a KeePass database with KeePass 2.49
  • Created a new bottle with KeePass 2.50
  • KeePass database files is saved on iCloud
  • KeePass 2.50 won’t open the file created with version 2.49, throwing the following error:
  • “Failed to load the specified file! The master key is invalid!”
  • It started to work when unchecking the following item under Tools –> Options –> Security:
  • “Use native library for faster key transformations”
  • I also installed on the KeePass 2.50 bottle the .NET Framework 4.7.2 thinking initially that was the problem but it’s probably not. However, this was installed before installing KeePass on the bottle. It shouldn’t harm – “When running on .NET 4.7.2 or higher, GZip decompression is faster now (i.e. most databases are opened a bit faster, pasting entries from the clipboard is a bit faster, …)”
Password Blinking GIF by Li-Anne Dias - Find & Share on GIPHY

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