Yearly Archive: 2022


Windows File Explorer Not Responding (Solved)

Windows File Explorer was freezing, stop responding and crashing. It drove me crazy for a while. Eventually I found out it was related to a mapped network share


itch batch downloader v0.1.0 released!

downloads all your stuff from your account, useful if you bought on and want to have your purchases batch-downloaded and updated offline

Dexter Stardust Banner 0

Dexter Stardust on M1 MacBook

I learned how to do it stuff by trying to make games work on my Olivetti M24 (circa 1990). Fast forward to 2022 and I learn new stuff by trying playing games on an Apple M1


KeePass 2.50 on CrossOver on 21.1.0

A pretty strange error message I am not seeing on the current version of KeePass. However. if you landed here by searching, it still might be useful to you!